About the Perky Promenaders Photo
Page | 2022 ByLaws
| Memorials The Perky Promenaders, named for the
Perkiomen Creek, was formed in July 1963. We danced in the Church on the Mall
in the Plymouth Meeting Mall for many years, until 2005, when
we moved to The Reformed Church of
the Ascension in Jeffersonville. In 2008, we added level-of-the-floor
dancing on Saturday nights in Harleysville, and new-dancer dancing on Monday
nights. In 2020, we moved our Wednesday dances to Harleysville. And in 2022, we moved Wednesday dances to Friday, also in Harleysville. We dance the Plus Program on 2nd and 4th Friday nights, with callers workshop for the half-hour preceeding our dances. We dance Level-of-the-Floor on 1st
and 3rd Saturday nights, with a caller's workshop the first
half hour of every dance.
Class members are welcome to attend. We have new-dancer dances and classes
every Monday night. Memorial
Pages The following pages memorialize Perky
Promenaders members who have died in recent memory. Jonathan Black (6/12/1939 - 12/5/2020) Bob Clark (12/9/1924 - 9/5/2007) Millie Clark (12/4/1924 - 2/10/2016) Bob Decker (6/21/1937 - 11/30/2011) Ken Degen (9/27/1941 - 7/13/2018) Arthur
Fairclough (4/10/1937 - 1/30/2014) Chuck Finn (12/28/1938 - 8/28/2016) Howard Gluchman (12/20/1917 - 2/22/2015) Clair Hess (1/19/1920 - 11/28/2016) Hugh Miller (2/16/1922 - 2/19/2011) Nancy Miller (9/10/1929 - 5/24/2008) Jim Monahan (2/10/1938 - 12/5/2016) Ella and Gene Pulcher Henry Siegle (10/5/1930 - 3/13/2017) Paul Slifer (12/27/1941 - 9//11/2019) Lena Steil (9/23/1931 - 1/2/2021) Bob Tibbits (7/4/1937 - 10/8/2020) Jim Williams (9/30/1929 - 2/25/2011) |